Yesterday at the Sports Venue Technology Summit, put on by the Sports Video Group, Chuck Wilson, Executive Director of the NSCA (National Systems Contractors Association) told the audience that there is a new threat keeping stadium owners up at night. It used to the weather, but now it is Twitter.
The Josh Gordon Group blog
Twitter: the new security threat for sports staduims
Topics: stadium security, NSCA, Sports Video Group, vodkasam, sports stadium, Twitter, Chuck Wilson, SVG
Social media guru and uberblogger Chris Brogan was coming to town. I was going to see him and Tweeted about it. Having never met Brogan I was surprised and delighted to receive a funny Tweet back (on left).
Topics: digital media, social media, Twitter
In July 2009 bought online shoe retailer for $887.9 million from entrepreneur Tony Hsieh (pictured).
Topics: content strategy, Twitter
Digital magazines surprise in B2B marketing study
Some marketers have written off trade magazine advertising as yesterday's news. But a just-released study of broadcast technology buyers from the Josh Gordon Group found magazines and digital magazines among the most frequently used of all media.
Topics: B2B suppliers, B2B marketing, social media, Improving Marketing Effectiveness, iPads, LinkedIn, Josh Gordon Group, digital editions, digital magazines, trade magazines, e-readers, BtoB, Facebook, Twitter, engagement scores