Social media guru and uberblogger Chris Brogan was coming to town. I was going to see him and Tweeted about it. Having never met Brogan I was surprised and delighted to receive a funny Tweet back (on left).
I got a laugh but insight as well. Chris' response reinforced many social media best practices.
First, as with implementing any social media program, Chris listened before he acted. He must have been monitoring social media networks, including Twitter, and noticed my Tweet about his upcoming appearance.
Second, as with any social media program, his response had a conversational, personal style. In this case, along with his wonderful sense of humor.
Finally, he was starting to build a community. Every presentation is a community building event; in the best a presenter arrives before a crowd of unrelated people, speaks, and leaves behind a community of people with shared interest, knowledge, and passion. Brogan was starting his community building even before he stood before his audience.
Best practices aside, it was Brogan's humor that made interaction memorable.