The Josh Gordon Group blog
Which content is most persuasive? Free on demand webinar
Topics: webinar, marketing, digital media, marketing effectiveness, marketing content, educational content, BrightTALK, consumer habits, marketing campaigns
Jeff Jarvis video "Your Customers Are Your Ad Agency"
You have to love Jeff Jarvis. Whether you see him as a brilliant visionary of the tech future, or as an academic with a well-read blog, he defiantly makes you think. In this short video he gives a vision of the new world of marketing where Google has turned the world upside down.
Topics: new custoerms, content strategy, B2B marketing, seo, search, Google rankings, changing customer, marketing strategy, marketing content, advertising, On line content, earned media, Website
Conducting a survey is the process of taking a small, representative sample of a larger group to gain a better understanding of the group as a whole. When surveys are conducted on an ongoing basis they can become extremely important. Marketers take note: when done well, a series of ongoing surveys can become an important reference point for the markets they serve.
Topics: content strategy, B2B marketing, marketing content, advertising
How much of your thought leadership content is fake?
Marketers invest a lot in thought leadership content. But if we take the name “thought leadership” literally as information that leads or influences thought, very little of it seems to materialize. Instead, I see a lot of common information parading as thought leadership content in form of blog posts, aggregated content, best practices, helpful tips, and "how to" information.
Topics: white paper, marketing content, thought leadership, thought leadership content
Does educational content just develop customers for competitors?
There were once two competitors. The first invested to create great educational information truly helpful to customers. The second invested nothing in educational content, took the savings to the bottom line, and sold their products for less. Who won? In this case, the lower priced suppler. But it should not have happened that way.
Topics: content strategy, educational conrent, marketing strategy, buyer preference, marketing content, educational content, B2B technology marketing
Do you need a "Digital Sales Force" to help your physical one?
When the digital content you create and distribute through your website, social media, and online venues is used strategically it can act as a second sales force that can help your physical one. But is the idea of a “digital sales force” just online spin?
Topics: sales leads, sales lead generation, content strategy, marketing content, educational content, attract online traffic, Digital Sales Force, On line content