The Josh Gordon Group blog

User stories: great for sales support, poor for SEO or converting sales leads

Posted by Josh Gordon on Tue, Nov 4, 2014 @ 15:11 PM

Of all the content that companies create for marketing, “user stories” confuse the most. The confusion comes from its extremely uneven performance at different marketing functions.

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Topics: content, content marketing, problem solving, marketing, seo, sales, user stories, case studies, content usage

Video: Should I publish a companion digital magazine for my website?

Posted by Josh Gordon on Fri, Feb 21, 2014 @ 11:02 AM
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Topics: content, content marketing, webinar, video, digital media, Josh Gordon Group, digital editions, online content, digital magazine, Josh Gordon, digital magazines, IAB, Long Tail Alliance, digital publishing

Content is still King, but audience is Ace

Posted by Josh Gordon on Mon, Sep 30, 2013 @ 15:09 PM

Wait a minute! This blog is about the power of content and its ability to persuade. Am I saying that content is no longer King? To that I say both yes and no.

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Topics: content, content marketing, audience building

Very proud to have the Sports Video Group cover our upcoming study

Posted by Josh Gordon on Fri, Jun 14, 2013 @ 17:06 PM

Here is an aticle that ran this morning: 

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Topics: content, content marketing, content strategy, bradcast indusrty survey, prduction research, Sports Video Group, educational content, Josh Gordon, Broadcast, Ken Kerschbaumer

Does your website content “show up and throw up?”

Posted by Josh Gordon on Tue, Oct 2, 2012 @ 10:10 AM

In the sales trade, a salesperson who “shows up and throws up” pushes his agenda at customers with no concern for their needs or pain points. His canned presentation is only about his products and bores customers to tears.

Better salespeople realize that selling is about motivating customers, which rarely happens by just dumping product information on them. These salespeople work to understand the customer’s point of view and to put their product into the context of their customers world. Before talking product they might ask questions to find out...
• What are the problems or pain points unique to the customer?
• How does this customer fit into his or her competitive market?
• Are there technical, regulatory, or financial trends that will affect their needs?
• Which applications or best practices might affect this company's purchasing decisions?

Better salespeople focus on solving customer problems first, product information follows. They collect information and advice helpful to the customer not just with a purchase, but in using the product successfully.    

Now, let’s get back to your website.  Which of these two approaches describe the content on it?  Is your content just about your company and products, or do you also have information helpful to solving customer problems?

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Topics: content, content marketing, problem solving, salespeople, Josh Gordon, Website, Joe Pulizzi, website development TrackBack