Yesterday at the Sports Venue Technology Summit, put on by the Sports Video Group, Chuck Wilson, Executive Director of the NSCA (National Systems Contractors Association) told the audience that there is a new threat keeping stadium owners up at night. It used to the weather, but now it is Twitter.
Twitter?? Wilson cited an example of an extremely drunk student from the University of Iowa arrested for running on to the field during a football game. As she tweeted her misadventure live at the stadium her Twitter account exploded. The live tweeting from her holding cell shot @VodkaSam from about 200 to 14,000 followers. Suddenly, a girl who Wilson described as having "exercised poor judgment in the past" now has a huge following. What if she gets drunk at the next game and Tweets, "Fire at the stadium"?
Twitter's immediacy and brevity facilitates instant communication. But when that ability is put in the hands of people like @VodkaSam, the possibility to instantly spread mischief to a huge following becomes very real.
What do you think? Does the instant communcation that Twitter can create cause problems?