The Josh Gordon Group blog

Does B2B marketing communicate well to corporate management?

Posted by Josh Gordon on Tue, Feb 5, 2013 @ 13:02 PM

Managers and technologyMore and more, corporate managers are involved in technology buying decisions. But when asked a group of company managers at broadcast facilities if tech suppliers do a good job communicating to them we collected more “NO” answers than “YES” ones. Here are some of the more insightful comments:
Do broadcast tech suppliers communicate well to corporate management?
“No. Generally only magazines and newsletters are used to market to management. I guess it is assumed that management is already knowledgeable. That assumption is usually wrong. I believe there should be live demonstration marketing...not just talk.”

“The majority of suppliers I deal with do not really know what their product does, how it does it, and how it could effectively be deployed in my environment. Most salespeople I deal with know little more than the latest marketing blurb, and sometimes I even know that better than they do.”

“Suppliers could do a better job of describing how their products solve real world problems. It would also be helpful if they explained why they implement specific features with data that indicates they are solving a real problem.”
“Information needs to be put in layman's terms and succinctly explain why it benefits our company and our users.”

“No. The information regarding how useful the technology is in the long run is not provided.”

“No. All (suppliers) need to bring the end user POV into their discussions - system integrators often ignore this, resulting in equipment shortcomings or troublesome systems integration.”

No. It's best to see hands-on demonstrations of how this product works, and how it can work into our work flows. Giving us a pamphlet that you handed out at trade shows doesn't paint a picture of how I can benefit by switching to your company.

No. Need more bottom line ROI info to my case.
Generally yes. Companies do a good job of providing the right information, to the correct audience.

Yes, mainly through direct communication.

“Many do a very good job of identifying unique technical/operational issues, developing products that address those issues, and communicating in a clear and concise manner how their product can improve my operation.”

“Some provide technical support provides a variety of services for technical training. These have become indispensable for keeping line production staff abreast of new features and capabilities of their equipment.”

Some suggestions...

as to how tech suppliers could be more persuasive with corporate managers

“Suppliers should focus on cost, efficiency of the product and if there is an ROI that come with the product, examples of Best Practices to maximize ROI should be presented.”

“I only have so much time. When they can get me the specific info I need initially I'll delve into greater depth after that. If they load it all on me at the outset it isn't likely I'll wade into it. Hook me first with exactly how it will help me and the price point.”

“Signed affidavits from users; actual case histories not general statements using models who are good looking an obviously actors.”

“Oddly enough, I think sources like Facebook and Twitter are most effective these days at demonstrating to managers and business how strong of a tool they can be.”

“It really depends on the product. QoS (Quality of Service) is a big thing for video providers but there is not a lot of information from vendors with this capability on real world usage of their tools and capabilities.”

“Demonstrate ease of use and the benefit of their product to the Manager's immediate job function.”

“Costs in relation to performance.”

“Best way to get my attention with some new technology is with case studies using our networks and provide new insights based on your new technology.”

If there is room for improvement, corporate managers will let us know about it, all we need to do is ask! 

Topics: B2B suppliers, B2B marketing, B2B technology marketing, advertising, BtoB